The best musical films: films that everyone will like

Surely everyone has their own list of favorite musical films. This article does not set out to list all the best musical films, but in it we will try to identify worthy pictures in its category.

This is the best classical biography of the musician, the best "art-house" musical film and one of the best musicals. In this order, and consider these pictures.

Amadeus (Amadeus, 1984)

Usually biographical pictures are interesting to a certain circle of people. But Milos Forman's film "Amadeus" about the life of the genius Mozart seems to rise above this genre. For the director, this story became only an arena where an incredible drama in the relationship of Salieri and Mozart with a complex interweaving of envy and admiration, love and revenge is played out.

Mozart is shown so carefree and mischievous that it is hard to believe that this non-maturing boy created great masterpieces. The image of Salieri is interesting and deep - in the film for him the enemy becomes not so much Amadeus, as the Creator himself, to whom he declares war for the fact that the “lustful boy” got the musical gift. The final is amazing.

The whole picture breathes the music of Mozart, the spirit of the era passed incredibly reliably. The film is brilliant and rightfully included in the top category "best musical films." Watch the movie's announcement:

"The Wall" (The Wall, 1982)

This film, released long before the advent of plasma TVs and FullHd-images, still remains a cult among connoisseurs. The storyline revolves around the protagonist, conditionally called Pink (in honor of Pink Floyd, the group-author of the soundtrack to the film and most of the ideas embedded in its creation). His life is shown - from children's days in a wheelchair to an adult who tries to defend his own personality, the right to make decisions, fight, correct mistakes made and open himself to the world.

There are practically no replicas - they are replaced by the words of the songs of the mentioned group, as well as a magnificent video series, which includes unusual animation, the merging of animated and artistic frames - the viewer will definitely not remain indifferent. Moreover, the problems that the main character encounters are probably familiar to many. By watching you freeze in amazement and you realize how much you can say with just ... Music.

"The Phantom of the Opera" (The Phantom of The Opera, 2005)

This is a musical that you fall in love with right away and you don’t get tired of revising. Great music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, a fascinating story, a good acting game and the beautiful work of director Joel Schumacher - these are the components of a true masterpiece.

Romantic girl, charming villain, and before the tediousness of the correct "prince" - on the relationship of these characters and the plot line is built. Let's say right away that is not so simple. The intrigue remains until the end.

Impressive details, the game of contrasts, incredible scenery. A truly beautiful story of tragic love in the best musical film-musical.

Instead of conclusion

The best music films can be called those that, in addition to excellent music, convey a great idea. It is only for you to decide what you want to get from the film: learn more about your favorite composer, live a complicated tangle of feelings with the main character, strive for creation or destruction.

Enjoy your viewing!

Watch the video: Lil Dicky - Earth Official Music Video (March 2025).

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