To help the novice musician: 12 useful applications Vkontakte

For novice musicians on the social network Vkontakte, many interactive applications have been created that allow you to learn notes, intervals, chords, and properly tune your guitar. Let's try to figure out whether it really is and how such applications help to learn the basics of music.

Virtual piano VKontakte

Let's start with a fairly popular (on the pages of half a million users) flash applications "Piano 3.0"intended both for beginners and for people who already know the notes and know how to play melodies on a real piano.

The interface is presented in the form of a standard piano keyboard. Each key is signed: a letter indicates a note, a number corresponds to an octave, although this is not quite by the rules, since numbers should indicate the sounds of octaves from the first to the fifth, small letters without numbers usually indicate sounds of a small octave, and large letters (with strokes instead of numbers) - the sounds of octaves, ranging from large and lower (to subcontracted).

Sounds from the virtual piano can be extracted by clicking on the keys with the mouse, or using a computer keyboard - the corresponding key designations are indicated on the screen. But most lucky owners of tablet computers - if the application goes on their device, they can play the virtual piano in the most usual way - with their own fingers!

What else is interesting application? It allows you to play simple melodies, record and store the user's creativity. Its advantages: you can play with both hands, extract chords, fast passages are allowed.

Of the drawbacks, there is only one: there is no effect of changing the volume of the sound depending on the strength of pressing the key. In general, of course, this application will not replace a real piano, but it is possible to master the keyboard, learn the notes, the names of the octaves and construct chords using it.

Big base of chords

Beginner guitarists are often faced with the problem of proper selection of chords to your favorite songs. The ability to select harmony by ear will come with experience, but for now the application will help beginners "Chords". It was installed by 140 thousand Vkontakte users. In fact, the application is a large book of chords of the most popular songs of various directions with the ability to easily search.

The user menu allows you to search for songs in alphabetical order, rating, updates, preferences of other users. It is possible to download their own chord selections for songs, save selected songs.

The obvious advantages of the application are easy access to several versions of the harmonies of the same composition (if any) at once. True, there is not enough explanation on how to take complex chords - the corresponding schemes in the form of tablature would be useful to beginners.

Given the above, we conclude that this application will be very useful for inexperienced guitarists.

Tune your guitar easy!

Proper guitar tuning sometimes causes problems for a self-taught musician. To help him in this difficult matter, Vkontakte offers two applications - "Guitar tuning fork" and "Guitar tuner".

"Tuning fork" - the simplest development for setting the instrument by ear. Custom window is presented in the form of a neck with six pegs. When you press the peg, you hear a sound corresponding to a specific open string. Very convenient button "Repeat" - if it is on, the selected sound will be repeated.

If it is difficult to tune by ear, or you just want to achieve perfect sound, you should connect your guitar to a computer (or bring it closer to a microphone connected to a PC) and run the Tuner application. This is a complete program for tuning the guitar in manual or automatic mode.

The user is offered several types of systems. You can adjust the instrument according to the sound scale on the application screen. If the arrow reaches the middle of the mark - the note sounds perfectly clear.

Bottom line: the first application is suitable for a quick classic acoustic setting of the six-string. The second is useful if you need to quickly and efficiently change the tool and rebuild it flawlessly.

Useful games

Vkontakte online available Six interesting interactive applications from Virarek LLC:

  • popular chords;
  • piano key names;
  • notes in treble clef;
  • notes in bass clef;
  • musical timbres;
  • musical symbols.

Their purpose can be determined by the names. In fact, these are interactive toys designed to identify by ear chords, notes in different keys, musical symbols, etc.

Simple applications will be useful only for beginners in music schools, or for musicians who are just learning the basics of musical notation.

Simple audio editors

If you need to effortlessly cut out a fragment of a song or make a simple mix of several compositions, you should use the applications. "Trim Song Online" and "Connect Songs Online".

They are characterized by intuitive controls. Of the positive qualities can be noted recognition of almost all audio formats. True, the musical effects, in addition to a smooth start and attenuation, the interface is not provided.

In general, the considered applications can not be called ordinary toys - simple and affordable, they will be a good tool for beginners in the world of music.

Author - Sergey Nosenko

Watch the video: HUGE EYES - 8 tricks YOU NEVER KNEW (March 2025).

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