Radio advertising

The fast pace of modern life, in which every minute is expensive, and the hand must always be kept on the pulse, practically leaves no time to read newspapers, and sometimes to watch TV. But you want to always be aware of the events.

It is radio that today allows, combining business with pleasure, to always be "in the subject", while not only regarding political, economic or cultural life, but also those discoveries and accomplishments that greatly simplify our lives.

Like any other mass media (media), radio is a source of advertising, and the source is quite effective. After all, doing household chores, traveling in transport or simply relaxing in the lap of nature, you can enjoy music that is periodically diluted with advertising messages. At the same time, during an ad unit you will not be able to be constantly distracted by the search for a new wave (as, for example, in the case of television advertising) or simply skip it by turning the page of a magazine or newspaper.

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The main objective and purpose of radio advertising is to create such an advertising message that can arouse the imagination of potential consumers of the advertised product or service. To do this, it is necessary to involve the listener himself in the situation being described, influencing him through voice, pace of speech, as well as music and humor.

I must say that the indisputable advantage of radio advertising is its ease and sincerity, because often commercials are served in the form of improvisation.

Due to the wide territorial range of broadcasting, radio advertising has an impact on a huge number of listeners, while many existing radio stations are designed for completely different age categories, listeners ’tastes, their preferences and world outlook (chanson, retro, 80s music, rock and popular music). One of the fundamental components of successful and effective advertising are such indicators as the choice of airtime, as well as the frequency of broadcast advertising.

In radio advertising, you need as often and clearly as possible to name the manufacturer of the advertised product or service, the advantages of the advertised product, the name of which must be announced at least three times during the video - at the beginning of the message, its middle and at the end. When creating an ad product, remember that hearing information should be clothed with short phrases containing a maximum of nine words in a sentence.
The high efficiency of radio advertising directly depends on the methods by which it is created: melodic, and, most importantly, memorable music, properly selected background (bird singing, sea noise, pleasant voice), good diction of someone who advertises a product, etc. . Competently chosen music, song and background will become a certain business card of the advertised object, after which the listener will later recognize the product among many other objects of advertising, while having established itself at a subconscious level, such an association will lead to the potential consumer becoming real.

With the help of background, as well as noise effects affecting the emotional state, the consumer is visualizing the picture, evoking the imagination and desire to possess this product, without which it is difficult to imagine a comfortable life. Moreover, with a high degree of efficiency, radio advertising is much more affordable than advertising on television, which makes it very attractive to advertisers.

Watch the video: Why Radio Advertising Works (March 2025).

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