Vladimir Dashkevich - Well, of course - this is Bumbarash!

The article is dedicated to the composer Vladimir Dashkevich and his beautiful music for the film "Bumbarash". An interesting and unusual attempt was made to compare the film’s music with the life and work of the composer.

The genre of the movie allows you to build or connect / mount various and distant events. But then it should extend to the "near-movie" phenomena. This idea is worth checking out, especially since there is a film music written not only cleverly, but even brilliantly. And this is no exaggeration.

It will be about the film "Bumbarash" (dir. N.Rasheev and A.Naroditsky) with the music of the composer Vladimir Dashkevich. Those who are familiar with the music of Dashkevich, certainly agree that this is a very uncommon musical phenomenon.

And it is worth recalling that the composer composed the music for the famous TV series about Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, for the film “The Heart of a Dog” (after M. Bulgakov). The theme from the film “A Drop in the Sea” became the screensaver of the famous children's TV show “Visiting a Fairy Tale”, and the music for “Winter Cherry” is also immediately recognizable. And this is all - Vladimir Dashkevich.

In general, there is a situation when the music is heard, and the name of the composer is not immediately remembered.

About myself, but through film music

And Dashkevich’s music for the film “Bumbarash” makes it possible to do this trick: through musical numbers, to find comparisons, parallels and correspondences with life and music events and facts related to the composer.

Let's not talk about downright literal, one hundred percent coincidence, but there is something. And, of course, it is impossible not to say about Valeriy Zolotukhin, whose acting and vocal skills surprisingly coincided with the songs of Vladimir Dashkevich to the poems of Yuli Kim.

The song "Horses Go" is generally the leitmotif of the entire film and - more broadly - the fate of the composer. Because there were a lot of “steep shores” in life both in Bumbarash and Dashkevich.

Lyovka's song "Crane flies across the sky" can be heard and remembered about Dashkevich’s difficult and winding path to music. He first received a diploma in chemical engineering, and only the 2nd music education made him a “real” composer.

Let "Crane" reminds of a civil war, but the line "And my son fell out, oh, the long road ..." is for sure about Volodya Dashkevich's youth, about his studies and "wanderings" together with his parents in a huge country. The lines “Where I haven’t been ... and looking for an answer” will remind you that Dashkevich after Moscow, where he was born, had to go to Transbaikalia (Irkutsk), in the extreme North (Vorkuta), in Central Asia (Ashkhabad). And yet the return to Moscow took place.

And why such a fate?

The fact is that Vladimir Dashkevich is of noble origin, and his father, being a truly educated man, a nobleman and a Russian patriot, after 1917 joined the Bolsheviks. But the life tests of the Dashkevich family fell in abundance.

Therefore, it is quite natural that the future composer received practical knowledge in geography, besides Russian, owned 4 more languages, received a worthy upbringing and was a truly educated person and a patriot of his country.

And in the 40-50s. the past century such people had a hard time; but, interestingly, while preserving respect and love in Russian culture, Dashkevich does not fall into nostalgia and longing for the past, but perceives it with tenderness and a certain amount of irony and humor.

In any case, these musical numbers of the film "Bumbarash" can tell exactly this:

  • "Russian Positions" - toy-puppet memories of the past;
  • Sophia's romance "In a white dress ...";
  • Sophia Chansonietka (instr.);
  • Sophia's death - you can't write such music without knowing the traditions of the past.

And the fact that Dashkevich is well-known and familiar to the musical traditions of the new post-revolutionary and post-war Russia will be said by such music:

  • "Village suffering";
  • "Jewish-Jewish quadrille";
  • "March of the fourth company".
  • In the song Gavrila - the hero, according to the film is negative, but the music is heartfelt. And there is an interesting nuance: rampant-rollicking execution is stopped by Gavrila himself.

And why without the tragedy and excessive pathos?

  • Here you can reflect and draw such conclusions. The film "Bumbarash" is based on the early works of the writer Arkady Gaidar. Gaidar had tragic events in his life, but we perceive him, first of all, as a bright, kind children's writer. Many of his characters are described in exactly this way, so is Bumbarash.
  • This attitude to life, as a bright, joyful and exalted holiday, is fully inherent in the composer Vladimir Dashkevich.
  • And the sad tragic events both in Gaidar and in Dashkevich’s music are often dissolved and immersed in an atmosphere of sublime and light sadness, everyday humor and some remoteness from tragedy.
  • Therefore, songs about the war from "Bumbarash" are still difficult to call fully military, since they always have a certain amount of elegant and subtle humor.

And Vladimir Dashkevich, as an artist, a musician, a citizen of his country, a cultured and well-educated person, just does his job well: he composes genius music, writes theoretical works about music, reflects. He plays chess (finished playing as a master of sports candidate), meets with listeners and simply lives a full eventful life.

Very funny final

It is ridiculous because the evaluation of the composer Vladimir Dashkevich, more than 50 years old, is reflected in the fact that he is just an honored art worker of the Russian Federation. Translated into a normal language, it sounds like: "Yes, there is such a composer Vladimir Dashkevich, and he writes good music."

And Dashkevich has already written music for more than 100 films and cartoons, he created symphonies, operas, musicals, oratorios, concerts. His books, articles and thoughts about music are serious and deep. And all this suggests that the composer Vladimir Dashkevich is an outstanding phenomenon in the Russian musical culture.

However, another Soviet musical genius - the composer Isaac Dunaevsky - was also only an honored art worker of the RSFSR for a long time.

But history, including music, sooner or later puts everything in its place, which means that the true understanding of the meaning of the composer Vladimir Dashkevich is near. When the composer himself speaks about the creative process and many other things, it is simply interesting and fascinating.

And Bumbarash’s songs “But I was at the front” and especially “I’m tired of fighting” may reflect one more vital and creative principle of Vladimir Dashkevich: you shouldn’t prove anything, the music that has already been written will speak for itself!

You just need to hear it.

More collected works of Vladimir Dashkevich - can be found on the link: //vk.com/club6363908

Watch the video: The Hound of Baskervilles - Main Theme (March 2025).

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