Troparion and kontakion to the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord - notes of everyday chants.

For our site now it has become a tradition to publish notes of festive church chants, in particular tropari and kondaki. This time we prepared notes for you: troparion and kontakion of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Despite the fact that any kondak or troparion is sung on the established vocal chant, and for professional right or left choirs there is no difficulty in singing them, we found it necessary to write as many songs as possible with the notes. And this has its own, quite adequate reasons.

One of them is newcomers to church singing. Any singer begins his career in the profession with complete ignorance. Often, often, the regents do not take responsibility for teaching the newcomer: "Learning for yourself is good, not learning, we will drive out!"

In this case, the only way for the singer to the mercy of fate is to self-educate by collecting information bit by bit and prepare in advance for services at home — look for notes, texts and recordings, actively working on the material found. The path, of course, is not easy, but at least true.

Troparny voices, which are sung not only the actual tropari, but also kondaki, the easiest way to memorize or on frequently repeated Sunday chants, or on holiday. And here, in particular, the troparion and the kondak to the Transfiguration are sung on the seventh voice - a voice, by the way, in comparison with others is quite rare. Because of the rarity of his appearance in everyday life, he is sometimes even forgotten. But if you learn the troparion and kondak to the Transformation, then master the tune well.

Troparion and Kondak Preobrazheniyu - notes:

Now, the product itself:

Troparion of celebration, voice 7 - sheet music in pdf format

Kondak holiday, voice 7 - notes in pdf format

If the first links did not work for you or blank pages were opened instead of notes, then use the alternative link. For insurance, we also placed the files on the Yandex disk service, packing them into one archive. Here is the link - notes of troparion and kondak of the Transfiguration (archive).

At one time, the site also published notes of various versions of the troparion of Easter and Christmas, and also a lot of carols (see headings or use the search if you need these materials). The Assumption of the Mother of God is coming, and we invite you to visit our resource again to obtain materials for preparation and for this holiday.

And now you can watch the training video, which is dedicated to just learning songs for the upcoming holiday - they teach you to sing in the 7th voice:

Watch the video: Kontakion and Troparion for the New Martyrs of Russia (March 2025).

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