Varieties of Opera

Varieties of Opera

The opera begins its history at the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries in the circle of Italian philosophers, poets and musicians - “Camerata”. The first work in this genre appeared in 1600, the creators took the famous story of Orpheus and Eurydice as the basis of the plot. Many centuries have passed since then, but operas continue to be composed with enviable regularity by composers. Throughout its history, this genre has undergone many changes, ranging from themes, musical forms and ending with its structure. What kinds of operas there are, when they appeared and what their features are - let's understand.

Varieties of opera:

Serious opera (opera seria, opera seria) is called the opera genre, born in Italy at the turn of the XVII - XVIII centuries. Such works were composed on historical-heroic, legendary or mythological plots. The distinctive feature of this type of opera was excessive flatulence in absolutely everything - the main role was played by virtuoso singers, the simplest feelings and emotions were presented in long arias, and the magnificent scenery was dominating on the stage. Costumed concerts - this is exactly what the opera Seria was called.

Comic opera It originates in the XVIII century Italy. It was called opera-buffa and was created as an alternative to the boring opera series. Hence the small scale of the genre, a small number of actors, comic techniques in singing, for example, tongue twisters, and an increase in the number of ensembles — a sort of retaliation for "long" virtuoso arias. In different countries, the comic opera had its own name - in England it was a ballad opera, France defined it as an opera comedian, in Germany it was called a singspiel, and in Spain it was called a tonadilla.

Semi-Serious Opera (opera semiseria) is a frontier genre between serious and comic opera, whose birthplace is Italy. This type of opera appeared at the end of the XVIII century, the plot was based on serious and sometimes tragic stories, but with a happy ending.

Grand opera (grand opera) - originated in France at the end of the 1st third of the XIX century. This genre is characterized by a large scale (5 acts instead of the usual 4), the obligatory presence of a dance act, an abundance of scenery. They were created mainly on historical themes.

Romantic Opera - originated in Germany of the XIX century. This type of opera includes all musical dramas created on the basis of romantic plots.

Opera ballet originates in France of the turn of the XVII-XVIII centuries. The second name of this genre is French court ballet. Such works were created for masquerades, pastorals and other festivities held at the royal and famous yards. Such representations differed brightness, beautiful scenery, but the numbers in them were not related to the plot among themselves.

Operetta - "Little Opera", appeared in France in the 2nd half of the XIX century. A distinctive feature of this genre is a comic simple plot, a modest scale, simple forms, and "easy", easily remembered, music.

Watch the video: Classical Male Voices (March 2025).

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