How to make a voice beautiful: simple tips

The voice is also important in life, as well as the appearance of a person. According to statistics, it is with the human voice that most of the information is transmitted during any communication. That is why it is very important to have a beautiful, velvety voice that will contribute to success in all your endeavors.

If you have a voice by nature that does not quite suit you, do not despair. After all, it, like everything else, can be improved. You only need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules of how to train your own voice and then you will succeed.

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You can do a simple experiment, right at home, in order to determine what voice you have and identify its strengths and weaknesses. It is very simple to do this; it is enough to record your speech on a dictaphone or video camera, after which you will listen and draw conclusions about your voice. Mark what you liked and why you were horrified. Appreciate it at its true worth, because you probably know firsthand that you can listen to someone forever, and someone begins to annoy with his voice at the very beginning of the conversation.

There are special exercises that will help you achieve the desired result, if something repels you, while listening to your own speech. Each of these exercises must be performed daily for 10-15 minutes.

Completely relax and slowly inhale and exhale. In a calm, slow tone, say the sound "a." Stretch it a bit, tilting your head slowly in different directions, and see how your “aaah” is changing.

Try, as if to yawn, and at the same time spread both hands in different directions. Then, as if, cover your mouth open.

If you constantly meow and purr every morning, new, soft notes will appear in your voice.

Try as often as possible to read out loud with sense, feeling and disposition. Learn to breathe correctly, this is also important when training your own voice.

Speak different difficult words slowly and clearly, it is advisable to record them on a dictaphone and periodically listen.

In order for your voice to change for the better and to sound beautiful and melodious, the following recommendations will also help.

- Try to always express your thoughts tactfully. Do not try to speak slowly and boringly, but at the same time do not clatter.

- When you read an article in a magazine or an art book, try to do it out loud, while selecting the necessary intonation.

- Do not worry if you do not immediately notice any result, it will certainly be in time, the main thing is patience in this matter.

- If after a decent time, no changes occur, then perhaps you need to see a doctor-Laura.

The way your voice sounds is really important, because it is because of this that an atmosphere is created that surrounds you, your well-being. Therefore, work on yourself, improve and develop and everything will be fine with you.

Watch the video: 3 Easy SINGING HACKS! How To Find YOUR Voice (March 2025).

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