Lara Fabian "Adagio": history, interesting facts, content, video, listen

Lara Fabian "Adagio"

Lara Fabian. The voice of this singer admired thousands of audience. She has her fanatical fans on all continents. Europe, America, Asia and Australia are standing up for her. However, not only the deep and sonorous soprano of a talented singer conquers the whole world. Listeners are fascinated by the sincere performance of songs in which Lara displays her entire life. Tender feelings, deep spiritual experiences - all this is reflected in the work of the singer. Her repertoire has such magical compositions that captivate the public from the first note and make the soul tremble and my heart stop, for example, a song with a beautiful name "Adagio".

The history of the creation of "Adagio" Lara Fabian, as well as interesting facts and content of the song, read on our page.

History of creation

The story of the composition "Adagio", which sounds so amazingly performed by Lara Fabian, interesting and even mysterious. It should immediately be noted that since the song consists of two components: a poetic text and musical accompaniment, and the words are usually composed first, and then they are decorated with a melody, in this case it was all different. The poems of this composition were written much later than her music, which was based on a work known as "Adagio in G Minor for Strings and Organ" by Tomaso Albinoni.

The beginning of the history of this beautiful creation, which has many unsolved mysteries, sends us to Venice at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. It was at that time that the wonderful Baroque composer Tomaso Albinoni lived and worked there, leaving a generous creative gift to his descendant, consisting of a significant number of works, including operas, sonatas and concerts. After the death of the maestro, his personal papers were eventually forwarded to the Saxon State Library of the city of Dresden, but in early 1945, during the bombing raids of the Allied planes, the book depository building was destroyed and some of the funds were lost.

Immediately after the war, Remo Jadzotto, a musicologist and professor at the University of Florence, decided to describe the work of Albinoni in a book that was then called “Tomaso Albinoni.” Musico di Violino Dilettante Veneto. ”Four years later, Giadzotto again attracted the attention of the music public. that he accidentally discovered a fragment of the previously unknown work of Albinoni and promised to restore the lost work. So in 1958 the Adagio in G Minor for String Instruments and Organ Tomaso Albinoni appeared, the main theme of which He formed the basis of the song performed by Lara Fabian.

Now a few words about creating a composition. At the end of the 20th century, songs by a talented performer can be heard in all corners of the Old World. Awards follow one after the other. Europeans are conquered. Now you need to achieve recognition in the Americas. To win the hearts of listeners in New York and San Francisco, the singer records her first album in English, which opens the very "Adagio". The text and arrangement of the composition is the fruit of creative collaboration of Lara and her producer Rick Ellison. However, despite the efforts of the creative group, the American public, at that time very keen on creativity Celine Dion, takes the album Fabian quite cold. However, the singer does not despair and soon writes down the single "Adagio" in Italian, which after a while was triumphantly performed at the presentation of the World Music Awards. It should be noted that the song, which conquered and brought the listeners of Europe to tears, in the United States remained unnoticed.

Interesting Facts

  • The famous Belgian theater director Franco Dragon on the composition of Lara Fabian "Adagio" shot a luxurious clip, in which the characters were revived characters of the works of the great masters of the past.
  • "Adagio Albinoni", born in 1958, immediately won the love of listeners. His popularity was promoted by the film "Last Year in Marienbad", shot by French director Alain Rene in 1961, where touching music of genius composition was used as the main theme. Subsequently, "Adagio" was often used in advertising and all kinds of television programs.
  • Until now, filmmakers with great pleasure use the music of this work in the soundtracks of their films, and today there are more than thirty of them.
  • Before his death, Remo Judzotto admitted that he had invented a story about the found fragment with the music of Albinoni, and in fact “Adagio” from the first to the last note was composed by himself. At the present time, many experts, carefully analyzing the work and examining all the subtleties of its history, have come to the conclusion: in fact, the author of the outstanding work is no one else, namely Dzhadzotto.
  • For the first time the composition in the genre of the classic crossover, which was based on the music of the "Adagio Albinoni" in 1998, was presented to the audience by the British singer Sarah Brightman. The song was called "Anytime, Anywhere."
  • Composition with the name "Adagio Albinoni" could be heard in the performance of such outstanding opera singers as Jose Carreras and Dmitry Hvorostovsky.
  • Lara Fabian’s song included the international quartet "Il Divo", Italian singer Carmen Masol, Albanian Elhida Dani, English tenor Russell Watson, Spanish actor and singer Abraham Mateo in their repertoire.

Content "Adagio" Lara Fabian

As mentioned above, in the composition of Lara Fabian, belonging to the genre of the classic crossover, used beautiful music "Adagio Albinoni". That is, it was a confluence of the classics and one of the modern musical trends. In general, the entire musical material of the song is based on the elegiac-melancholic, consisting of descending motifs, string melodies, which sounds in the first section of a classical work.

The textual content of the composition tells of loneliness and the hope of true love. This is a mental message of the heroine of the song to the man of his dreams. He is not there, but the girl knows that the knight of her heart is somewhere and their meeting will take place. She will certainly wait for her happiness.

"Adagio"- this is a composition that enchants the hearts of listeners. Lara Fabianin which Divine music and talent of the singer miraculously merged. A truly delightful song that is touching to tears, not only enchants with its gentle sadness, but also inspires, forcing us to believe that happiness is somewhere close and that a person will wait for him.

Watch the video: Lara Fabian - Je T'aime - Live Concert - magyar fordítással (March 2025).

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