Rhythm for children: a lesson in kindergarten

Rhythmics (rhythmic gymnastics) is a system of musical rhythmic education, the purpose of which is to develop a sense of rhythm and coordination. Rhythmics are also called classes for children (usually preschool-age children), where kids learn to move to music, control their body, develop attention and memory.

Rhythm for children passes under the fun, rhythmic music, so the lessons are perceived by them positively, which, in turn, allows you to better absorb the material.

A little bit of history

Rhythmic, as a teaching method, was created at the beginning of the 20th century by the professor of the Geneva Conservatory, Emile Jacques-Dalcroze, who noticed that even the most careless students began to perceive and memorize the rhythmic structure of music as soon as they began to move to music. These observations marked the beginning of a system later called "rhythmic gymnastics."

What gives the rhythm

During rhythm classes, the child develops in a multilateral way, acquiring a number of skills

  • the physical form of the child improves, coordination of movements is developed
  • the child learns the simplest dance moves, learns such things as tempo, rhythm, as well as the genre and character of music
  • the kid learns to adequately express and control his emotions, creative activity develops
  • Rhythmics in kindergarten is a good preparation for further lessons in music, dancing, and sports.
  • rhythm lessons provide excellent "peaceful" relaxation for hyperactive children
  • rhythm for children helps to relax, learns to move freely, creates a feeling of joy
  • rhythm lessons instill a love of music, bring up the musical taste of the child

Differences rhythm from physical education or aerobics

There is, of course, a lot in common between rhythmic gymnastics and ordinary physical education or aerobics - physical exercises are performed there and there with a certain rhythm of music. But while the goals are pursued different. Rhythm does not focus on physical development, the technique of execution is not a priority, although this is also important.

Accents in rhythmic gymnastics are made on the development of coordination, the ability to listen and hear music, feel your body and manage it freely, and of course, develop a sense of rhythm, of course.

When to start?

It is believed that starting to engage in rhythmic gymnastics optimally in 3-4 years. By this age, movement coordination is already well developed. Rhythm in kindergarten is usually conducted, starting with the 2nd younger group. But in the centers of early development practice and an earlier start.

After a year, barely learning how to walk, the toads are able to learn elementary movements and perform them to the music. The baby will not learn much, but it will acquire useful skills that will greatly facilitate its further both general and musical development and training.

The structure of classes in rhythm

Rhythmic exercises include moving exercises that require sufficient space. Rhythm in kindergarten is held in a gymnasium or a music hall, usually accompanied by piano (the use of phonograms of children's songs and modern dance tunes will also benefit and diversify the lesson).

Children quickly get tired of monotonous activities, so the lesson is built on the alternation of small 5-10 minute blocks. First, physical warming is required (options for walking and running, simple exercises). Then follows the "main" active part, which requires maximum voltage (both physical and intellectual). After that, children need rest - quiet exercise, sitting on chairs better. You can arrange a complete "relax" under soothing music.

Next - again the active part, but on familiar material. At the end of the class, have a good outdoor game or start a mini disco. Naturally, at all stages, including relaxation, material is used that is suitable for achieving the goals of rhythmic gymnastics.

Watch the video: Music Lesson Compilation for Kids - Solfege, Rhythm, Colors - Prodigies Music Curriculum (March 2025).

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