Musical instruments for children

What tool to choose a child? From what age can you teach him to play? How to understand the variety of musical instruments for kids? We will try to answer these questions in this material.

Immediately it should be noted that it would be good at the first acquaintance with the instrument to explain to children the nature of its sounds. To do this, parents need to know the traditional classification of musical instruments in general. Everything is simple. The main groups of musical instruments are stringed (stringed and plucked), wind (wooden and copper), a variety of keyboard and percussion instruments, as well as a specific group of children's instruments — noise.

Musical Instruments for Kids: Strings

The source of sound for these instruments are strained strings, the resonator is a hollow wooden case. This group includes plucked and bowed musical instruments.

In plucked instruments, it is easy to guess that the picking is done by pinching the strings with your fingers or using a special device (for example, a mediator). The most famous plucked strings are domra, guitar, balalaika, zither, harp, etc.

In string bows, the sound is extracted using a bow. In this group, the most suitable instrument for a child will be a violin - cello and, moreover, a double bass while too heavy for kids.

Learning to play stringed instruments is a rather difficult and long exercise. It requires from the baby strong and dexterous hands, patience, good hearing. Teaching a child to play plucked stringed musical instruments is advised from six to seven years old - when the fingers are strong enough. You can start learning the violin from the age of three.

Musical Instruments for Children: Wind

Wind musical instruments for children are divided into wood and copper. Extraction and in those, and in others is made by means of blowing air.

To wooden tools include:

  • flute;
  • clarinet;
  • bassoon, etc.

The brass band includes:

  • trumpet;
  • trombone;
  • tuba, etc.

For the development of children's wind instruments requires a large amount of light, developed hand motor skills. Kids of five years old can try to play a simplified instrument - a pipe. Learning to play professional instruments is recommended from 10 or even 12 years.

Musical instruments for kids: keyboards

This is probably one of the most diverse groups of tools. Most often for teaching children use these groups and types of keyboards:

  • keyboard strings (piano).
  • keyboard reed (bayan, melody, accordion).
  • electronic keyboards (synthesizer, children's electronic organ).

The latter group is probably the most common. The industry is now producing synthesizers, oriented even for babies of one and a half to two years. Such instruments extract the simplest sounds (most often it is a diatonic scale, in one or two octaves) and are focused more on the development of children than on learning to play. Professionally, it is recommended to teach children to play keyboards from the age of five to seven years.

Musical instruments for children: drums

Percussion musical instruments for children can be divided into those that have a scale and do not have it. The first group includes a variety of xylophones and metallophones. Their scale can be diatonic and chromatic. You can play them with chopsticks with rubber or wooden tips.

Toy xylophones are recommended to buy to children already from the age of nine months - for the development of hearing and cause-and-effect phenomena (hit - a sound is obtained). Older kids will be able to repeat the simplest melody after their parents. It is recommended to professionally study the game from about 11 years.

The group of drums that do not have a scale, includes bells, castanets, tambourines, triangles, bells and drums. The first acquaintance with such tools in children begins at about the age of one. Professional development is better to start with 13 years.

Musical Instruments for Kids: Noise

In fact, this is a certain group of percussion instruments (it is also called manual percussion). This includes maracas, noise boxes, shakers, rattles, etc.

With them usually begins familiarity with the kids music. After all, in fact, the same rattle is a noise tool. They allow you to develop a sense of rhythm, to lay the foundation for future musical development.

By the way, if you doubt that a child will be able to master this or that tool, or if you think that it will not interest him - you should watch these two videos: they will disperse all your fears, charge you with positive things and fill you with vivacity

Watch the video: Music Instruments Song for Children 27 Instruments (March 2025).

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