L. Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata": history, content, video, interesting facts

L. Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata"

Today there is hardly a person who has never heard of the "Moonlight Sonata" L.V. Beethoven, because this is one of the most famous and beloved works in the history of musical culture. The music critic Ludwig Relstamp gave such a beautiful and poetic title to the piece after the composer's death. And to be more precise, not the whole work, but only its first part.

History of creation

If there is a problem with other popular works by Beethoven “To Elise”, when you try to find out who exactly it was dedicated to, then everything is very simple. Sonata for piano No14 in C sharp minor, written in 1800-1801, was dedicated to Juliet Guchchardi. The maestro was in love with her and dreamed of getting married.

It is worth noting that during this period the composer began to sense hearing impairment more and more often, but he was still popular in Vienna and continued to give lessons in aristocratic circles. For the first time about this girl, his student, "who loves me and is loved by me," he wrote in November 1801 to Franz Vegeler. The 17-year-old Countess Juliet Guicciardi and Beethoven met in the late 1800s. Beethoven taught her the art of music, and did not even take money for it. In gratitude, the girl embroidered his shirt. It seemed that happiness awaits them, because their feelings are mutual. However, Beethoven’s plans did not come true: the young countess preferred to him a more distinguished person, the composer Wenzel Gallenberg. The loss of the woman he loved, the growing deafness, the collapsed creative plans — all this fell on poor Beethoven. And the sonata, which the composer began to write in an atmosphere of inspiring happiness and reverent hope, ended in anger and rage.

It is known that it was in 1802 that the composer wrote the very “Gailigenstadt testament”. In this document merged and desperate thoughts of impending deafness and unrequited, deceived love.

Surprisingly, the name "Moonlight" was firmly attached to the sonata thanks to the Berlin poet, who compared the first part of the work with the beautiful scenery of Lake Eiwald on the moonlit night. Curiously, many composers, music critics, opposed such a name. A. Rubinstein noted that the first part of the sonata is deeply tragic and most likely shows the sky with thick clouds, but not the moonlight, which, in theory, should express dreams and tenderness. Only the second part of the work can, with a stretch, be called the moon shine. Critic Alexander Maykapar expressed that the Sonata does not have the very "moonlight" that Relshsta spoke of. Moreover, he agreed with the statement of Hector Berlioz that the first part is more reminiscent of the "sunny day" than the night. Despite the protests of critics, it was this name that was assigned to the work.

The composer himself gave his composition the name "sonata in the spirit of fantasy". This is due to the fact that the form customary for this work was broken and the parts changed their sequence. Instead of the usual "fast-slow-fast" sonata develops from the slower part to the more mobile.

Interesting Facts

  • It is known that only two names of Beethoven's sonatas belong to the composer himself - these are “Pathetic” and “Farewell”.
  • The author himself noted that the first part of the "Moon" requires the most delicate performance from the musician.
  • The second part of the sonata is usually compared with the dancing of the elves from Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Sleep.
  • All three parts of the sonata are united by the finest motivic work: the second motive of the main theme from the first part sounds in the first theme of the second part. In addition, many expressive elements from the first part are reflected and developed precisely in the third.
  • It is curious that there are many variants of plot interpretation of the sonata. The image of Relshtab received the greatest popularity.
  • Some researchers of his work believe that in this work Beethoven anticipated the later work of the composers of the romantics and called the sonata the first nocturne.
  • Famous composer F. Liszt called the second part of the sonata "Flower among the abyss." Indeed, it seems to some listeners that the introduction is very similar to a barely opened bud, and the second part is the very flowering itself.

  • In addition, an American jewelery company produced an amazing necklace made from freshwater pearls called the Moon Sonata. How do you like coffee with such a poetic name? It offers its visitors a well-known foreign company. And finally, even animals sometimes give such nicknames. So, the stallion, bred in America, received such an unusual and beautiful nickname as "Moonlight Sonata".
  • The name "Moonlight Sonata" was so popular that sometimes it was applied to things that were completely far from music. For example, this familiar and familiar to every musician phrase was a code nightingale for an air raid in 1945, committed on Coventry (England) by the German invaders.


In the "Moon" Sonata, all the features of composition and dramaturgy depend on the poetic idea. In the center of the work is a spiritual drama, under the influence of which the mood changes from sorrowful self-absorption, bound by the sadness of reflection to violent activity. It was in the final that the open conflict arose, in fact, to show it, it was necessary to rearrange the parts in order to increase the effect and drama.

The first part is lyrical, it is completely focused on the feelings and thoughts of the composer. The researchers note that the manner in which Beethoven reveals this tragic image brings this part of the sonata to Bach's choral preludes. Listen to the first part, what image did Beethoven want to convey to the public? Of course, the lyrics, but it is not light, but slightly covered with sorrow. Could it be the composer's thoughts about his unfulfilled feelings? Listeners like for a moment plunge into the world of another person's dreams.

The first part is presented in a prelude-improvisational manner. It is noteworthy that in this whole part only one image prevails, but it is so strong and concise, which does not require any explanation, only self-focusing. The main melody can be called sharp-expressive. It may seem that it is quite simple, but it is not. Melody complex intonation warehouse. It is noteworthy that this version of the first part is very different from all the other first parts, since it lacks sharp contrasts, transitions, only a calm and unhurried flow of thought.

However, let us return to the image of the first part, its sorrowful detachment is only a temporary state. The incredibly intense harmonic movement, the update of the melody itself speaks of an active inner life. How can Beethoven be in a state of grief for so long and be remembered? The rebellious spirit must still make itself known and throw out all the raging feelings outside.

The next part is quite small and is built on light intonations, as well as the play of light and shadow. What is behind this music? Perhaps the composer wanted to tell about the changes that occurred in his life due to acquaintance with a beautiful girl. Without a doubt, in this period - a real love, sincere and bright, the composer was happy. But this happiness did not last long at all, because the second part of the sonata is perceived as a small respite in order to enhance the effect of the finale, which burst in with its entire storm of feelings. It is in this part of the incredibly high heat of emotions. It is noteworthy that indirectly the thematic material of the final is associated with the first part. What emotions does this music resemble? Of course, there is no suffering and sorrow. It is an explosion of anger that covers all other emotions and feelings. Only at the very end, in the code, all the experienced drama is moved back into the depths by an incredible effort of will. And it is already very similar to Beethoven himself. In a rapid, passionate impulse, menacing, mournful, agitated intonations rush by. The whole range of emotions of the human soul, has experienced such a heavy shock. It is safe to say that the real drama unfolds before the audience.


For all the time of its existence, the sonata has always caused unwavering delight not only among the listeners, but also among the performers. She was highly appreciated by such famous musicians as Chopin, Liszt, Berlioz. Many music critics characterize the sonata as "one of the most inspired", possessing "the rarest and most beautiful of privileges - like the initiated and the profane." It is not surprising that for all the time of its existence there appeared a lot of interpretations and unusual performances.

So, the famous guitarist Marcel Robinson created an arrangement for the guitar. Glenn Miller’s arrangement for jazz orchestra has gained much popularity.

"Moonlight Sonata" in the modern processing of Glenn Miller (listen)

Moreover, the 14th Sonata was included in Russian fiction thanks to Leo Tolstoy ("Family Happiness"). Her study involved such famous critics as Stasov and Serov. Romain Rolland also devoted many inspirational sayings to her when studying Beethoven’s works. And how do you display a sonata in sculpture? This also turned out to be possible, thanks to the work of Paul Bloch, who in 1995 presented his marble sculpture of the same name. In painting, the work also received its reflection, thanks to the work of Ralph Harris Houston and his painting "Moonlight Sonata".

The finale of the "Moonlight Sonata" - a raging ocean of emotions in the soul of the composer - we will listen. To begin with - the original sound of the piece performed by the German pianist Wilhelm Kempf. Just see how Beethoven's wounded pride and impotent rage are embodied in the passages soaring soaring up the keyboard ...

And now imagine for a moment if Beethoven lived in our days, and to recreate these emotions would choose another musical instrument. What, you ask? The one who is today the leader in the embodiment of emotionally heavy music, overflowing with emotions and boiling with passions, is an electric guitar. After all, no other tool so vividly and accurately depicts a rapid hurricane, sweeping away all the feelings and memories in its path. What would come of it - see for yourself.

Modern guitar processing

Without a doubt, Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata is one of the most popular works of the composer. Moreover, it is one of the brightest compositions of all world music. All three parts of this work are an inseparable feeling that grows up to the most real terrible storm. The heroes of this drama, as well as their feelings are still alive today, thanks to this wonderful music and immortal work of art, created by one of the greatest composers.

Watch the video: The Best of Beethoven (March 2025).

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