The Legend of Flute and Love

The Legend of Flute and Love

This story tells about the traditions of the Indian people of the Lakota tribe. Their young men were excellent and fearless warriors who, without the slightest hesitation, could have attacked the enemy or the enraged beast. However, they were incredibly shy and often could not approach the girl and express feelings. This was hampered by the fact that her whole family was in the pita with her. Behind the settlement, it was unsafe to be alone, there could lay various dangers in the form of white people or wild animals, moreover, this was contrary to the customs of the tribe.

All that remained for the young man was to use the dawn, when the beloved, together with the women, went to the reservoir to stock up on water. The young man came out of the shelter and began to play Pimak flute, and the girl, reciprocating, either glanced away or nodded slightly. Then, in the settlement, she already could recognize this young man by the technique of playing a musical instrument and chose a betrothed. That is why the flute-pimak, which looks like a bird with an open beak, is also called a flute of love.

Watch the video: legend of 1900 - Playing Love on native american meditation flute (March 2025).

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