Journey from the Middle Ages to Baroque

Journey from the Middle Ages to Baroque

You all know the importance and necessity of learning classical music for children. What music will be more useful? The era of the Middle Ages, enlightenment, romanticism, or do you prefer only contemporary composers? In this article we will discuss the benefits of early music for the development of children.

Baroque style, excursion into history.

At the turn of the XVI - XVII centuries in Italy, a new era of Baroque ("quaint", "artsy") was born which replaced the Renaissance. This new, bright style quickly conquered the whole of Europe. It is not surprising, because everyone likes the magnificent and luxurious architectural structures, decorated with various elements of molding with gilding and painting, all kinds of decorations, colorful floors, crystal chandeliers and elegant furniture. The masters of this period resolutely deviate from the strict and balanced canons of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The streets of cities are decorated with obelisks and lush fountains, for example, the Triton fountain on Piazza Barberini in Rome. Sculpture becomes an integral part. It decorates not only parks and facades of buildings, but also internal premises. The work of Rubens, Caravaggio and Michelangelo in painting amazes with vivid colors and dynamism.

Musical art

It was during this period that the theory was developing a lot, musical notation was changing, ways of playing musical instruments were developing. The list of musical genres used by composers of that time is expanding. Finally, the opera is born, which has an impact on all areas of musical creativity. Baroque style surprisingly combines traditional and innovative. Thus, in musical art, polyphony reaches the top, along with which homophony occurs. Among the prominent representatives of the Baroque stand out: C. Monteverdi, G. Purcell, A. Corelli, A. Vivaldi, G. Handel and especially S. Bach.

Early music to children

Listening to musical samples of this period, children will get acquainted with many interesting and new things.
Allemande, chiming clock, saraband and gigue, these are ancient dances that can be heard after listening to Bach's suites. They are filled with the spirit of the epoch, stately and swift, cheerful and elegant, united by a single tone, form and sometimes intonation. Let the children fantasize how people moved to these dances? What were the movements, bows, curtsy, try to present an old ball. In order not to overload the child with information, try to recall the tales “Cinderella” and “Puss in Boots” familiar to him, they will help him to recall the traditions of palace chamber music playing (at this time you can listen to the Minuet S. Bach from the suite in B minor).

Thanks to the Baroque musical samples, children will be able to immerse themselves in history. Learn a lot for yourself, discover the names of composers, artists, writers and even architects. This is an amazing period that gave the world famous and famous names, for example, G. Galilei, B. Pascal, I. Newton and many others.

Along with this, children will be interested in the customs of that time and fashion. High and intricate hairstyles, decorated with lots of colored ribbons, precious stones, and sometimes completely intricate designs supported by wire. The clothes are certainly fluffy, decorated with a lot of ruffles, bows and lace. For men of that time, hats with feathers, which later changed cocked heads and powdered wigs, are typical, recall the images of G. Handel or S. Bach, all of them are depicted in long wigs. They were so powdered that sometimes you had to wear hats in your hands. At times, men were even forced to wear heels in order to strive for the ideal, like King Louis XIV, who was recognized as the standard of beauty.

Each epoch harbors a lot of unexplored, with the help of music of this period, you can plunge and for a moment feel in the old hall or among the many distinguished guests in the king’s palace, get acquainted with history and traditions, as well as the Baroque style itself.

Watch the video: A 80 minutes journey through Music from Middle ages, Renaissance & early baroque. (March 2025).

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