J. Hynd "Farewell Symphony": history, video, content, interesting facts

J. Haydn "Farewell Symphony"

The amazing legend is connected with the "Farewell Symphony" by J. Haydn. Even more surprising is the impression this work has on listeners who do not expect such an unusual finale. What is the secret of Haydn’s Symphony No. 45 and why is it called “The Farewell”? The beautiful and clear music of the Great Viennese classic, which fascinates and captures from the first bars, will appeal to everyone, and its history of creation will leave a mark in the listener's heart for a long time.
The history of the Symphony No. 45 by Haydn, which has the title “Farewell,” the content and many interesting facts about the piece read on our page.

History of creation

Just imagine that you find yourself in such a difficult situation: your employer has kept you in the service for more than the allotted time and does not understand any hints that you want to go home. Nowadays, this is impossible to imagine, but a few centuries ago - easily. In such an unpleasant situation was the great Austrian composer Joseph Haydn and his musicians.

Of course, the first thought that will arise for anyone is who could keep the composer, whose name glorified his country for the whole world? Unfortunately, in the days of Haydn, musicians had a dependent position and they, despite their fame, were listed at the palaces of noble people at the servant level. So Prince Esterhazy, whose composer served for about 30 years, treated him like a servant. The great classic of Vienna was forbidden to leave the palace without consent, and all the masterpieces written during that time belonged only to the prince. The duties of J. Haydn were limitless, he had to lead the chapel at the palace, perform music at the whim of the prince, train orchestra members, be responsible for all musical materials and instruments, and finally write symphonies, operas at the request of N. Esterhazy. Sometimes, he gave on the composition of the next masterpiece just one day! But in all this there were pluses for the musician. He could at any time in the live performance listen to his masterpieces and hone them, as the master works on a precious stone. But sometimes, there were situations when Haydn was forced to use all his talent and ingenuity to help himself and his musicians.

Once, Prince Esterhazy delayed his stay in the summer palace for too long. With the arrival of cold weather, the musicians began to ache, the marshland was to blame. They suffered from endless illnesses, and most importantly, from long separation from their families, because they were forbidden to see them in the summer, and the orchestra had no right to leave the service. But J. Haydn figured out how to get out of this difficult situation - he wrote a special work, which was called the “Farewell Symphony”. Just imagine, Prince Esterhazi and his guests gathered in the hall to listen to another masterpiece of the great maestro, but instead of the usual cheerful music he was presented with sad and slow music. The first, second, third and fourth parts have passed, it would seem that now there will be a final, but no! The fifth part begins and here the musicians one by one get up, put out the candles on the lecterns and silently leave the hall. The reaction of the listeners can be predicted. So, only two violinists remain on the scene, Haydn himself performs the part of one of them and their melody becomes sadder until it subsides altogether. The remaining musicians in the dark also leave the stage. Prince Esterhazy understood the hint of his conductor, and ordered everyone to gather to move to Eisenstadt.

Interesting Facts

  • The unusual nature of Haydn’s Symphony No. 45 is also due to the choice of the tonal plan. F-sharp minor was very rarely used in those days by composers and musicians. Also, it was not often possible to meet the eponymous major in which the symphony finale sounds.
  • Additional adagio, sounding in the final work, sometimes called the fifth part of the cycle. However, these five-part cycles in his work are found - this is the symphony "Noon". Haydn also composed three-part works, but this was only at the beginning of his career.
  • Some symphonies of Haydn software. So, he has a symphonic cycle with the name "Bear", "Chicken". In the symphony "Surprise" in the middle part, there is a sudden blow, after which the music again proceeds quite calmly and unhurriedly. It is believed that with such a trick, Haydn decided to “stir up” a bit too stiff the English public.
  • Serving in Prince Esterhazy's chapel, Haydn was forced to dress strictly according to an established pattern. So, in the contract was a special form of clothing.
  • According to the recollections of many contemporaries, in 1799, after the premiere of the Farewell Symphony in Leipzig, after the finals, the audience left the audience quiet and touched, which was very unusual at that time. Such a strong impression made them work.
  • Few people know, but there are other versions, why Haydn’s Symphony No. 45 is called “Farewell”. There is a legend that Prince Esterhazy decided to dissolve the entire chapel, which would leave the musicians without means. Another version indicates that this work symbolizes parting with life. This assumption was made by researchers in the XIX century. It is noteworthy that in the manuscript itself there is no name at all.

  • At present, The Farewell Symphony is being performed as Haydn intended it. In the final, the musicians are one of them leaving their seats. Sometimes the conductor leaves the stage as well.
  • In fact, only a small part of Haydn's symphonies has its program: "Morning", "Noon", "Evening". It is to these works that the composer himself gave the name. The rest of the names belong to the listeners and express the general character of the symphony or orchestration features. It is noteworthy that Haydn himself preferred not to comment on the figurative content of the works.
  • It is noteworthy that in the period of the 60s and 70s, Haydn had a series of minor symphonies: No. 39, 44, 45, 49.


The symphony begins immediately with the performance of the main part, without any introduction, and is pathetic in nature. In general, the whole First part sustained in a single spirit. Dance and even quite elegant features of the main part set the general mood of the part. Dynamic reprise only fixes this image.

Refined and light the second part of performed mainly by a string group (quartet). The themes are conducted in a very muffled manner, the violins play parts with mutes on pianissimo. In the reprise, Haydn applies the famous "golden move of the horns", which adorns the main part.

The third part - This is a minuet, but Haydn made it very unusual by matching two effects: a melody played with violins on the piano and the sound of the whole orchestra on the fort. In this part also sounds the "golden course of horns", which the composer used in the trio. At the end of the minuet, a minor minor suddenly appears. It is no coincidence, because with this technique Haydn anticipates the general mood of the final.

Fourth part at first it echoes the first, its graceful theme. Gloomy atmosphere occurs only in the reprise, which suddenly ends, and at the very rise. After a short pause sounds adagio with variations. The topic itself is described quite serenely, the feeling of anxiety begins to grow as soon as the sonority fades away. The instruments fall silent one by one, after completing their part. The first to leave the orchestra are musicians who play the wind, after which the bass and alto leave the stage. Finally, two violins, who play the theme with the mutes, touchingly and anxiously play their parts, also moving away from the hall.

Joseph Haydn has written a vast number of works and is rightly called the “father” of symphonies and quartets, but the history of Haydn’s Symphony No. 45 still surprises and delights. The great Viennese classic was not only a talented composer, but also an incredibly kind and sensitive person, which was reflected in his beautiful music.

Watch the video: pro land - a film by Derek Hynd (March 2025).

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