Crossword on Russian folk musical instruments

So, friends! Here you have a new crossword puzzle, the theme is Russian folk musical instruments. As ordered! Only 20 questions - in general, their standard number. The coherence is average. Not to say that simple, not to say that difficult. There will be tips (in the form of pictures)!

Almost all conceived words are the names of Russian folk instruments (except for one, that is, 19 out of 20). One question is a little bit about the other - this is how to “lift the veil of secrecy” and show the possibilities of expanding the topic (if someone does his crossword on this topic).

Now you can finally go to our crossword

Questions horizontal:

  1. Percussion instrument, which is a hoop with ringing metal plates. A favorite tool of shamanistic rituals, downright their "symbol".
  2. Instrument stringed, three strings, rounded body - reminiscent of half a pumpkin. This instrument is played by Alexander Tsygankov.
  3. Percussion instrument, which consists of wooden plates mounted on a cord.
  4. A wind instrument is a tube (for example, from reed) with drilled holes. Shepherds and buffoons liked to play on such flutes.
  5. Voiced plucked stringed instrument, which is played with two hands. In the old days, to the accompaniment of this instrument, epics were sung.
  6. Old Russian stringed musical instrument. The body is oblong, resembles a half of a melon, a bow in the shape of a meadow. Played on it buffoon.
  7. Another stringed instrument is of Italian origin, but it has spread extremely widely outside its homeland, including in Russia. Outwardly, it resembles a lute (with fewer strings).
  8. What kind of musical instrument, if you take a dried little pumpkin, make it hollow and leave a few peas inside?
  9. String instrument that everyone knows. Triangular "symbol" of Russia. It is believed that this instrument can be taught to play a bear.
  10. This instrument is a brass. Usually its mention is associated with Scotland, but in Russia, buffoons have been fond of playing it since ancient times. It is an air cushion of animal skins with several protruding tubes.
  11. Just a pipe.

Vertical Questions:

  1. This instrument is similar to Pan's flute, sometimes also called the pinworm. In appearance, several tubular flutes of different lengths and pitch are connected.
  2. Such an instrument is more in place when it is time to eat porridge. Well, if there is no appetite, then you can play.
  3. View of a Russian accordion, not a button accordion or accordion. Buttons - long and all white, no black. To the accompaniment of this instrument, the people liked to play chastooshkas and funny songs.
  4. What was the name of the guslar hero of the famous Novgorod epic?
  5. A cool instrument, his shamans love no less than a tambourine, is a small metal or wooden rounded frame with a tongue in the middle. During the game, the instrument is pressed to the lips or teeth and pulled by the tongue, the characteristic "northern" sounds are obtained.
  6. Hunting musical instrument.
  7. Musical instrument from the category of rattles. Ringing balls. Previously, a whole bunch of such balls were fastened to a horse riding troop so that when approaching a ringing could be heard.
  8. Another musical instrument that could be attached to the top three horses, but more often, decorating with a beautiful ribbon bow, was hung around the neck of the cows. It is an open metal cup with a movable tongue, which causes this miracle to boom.
  9. Like any accordion, this instrument sounds when you stretch the fur. He has all round buttons - there are both black and white.

The answers, as always, are given at the end of the page, but before I promised, I offer hints in the form of pictures. You can guess only one picture, even without reading the questions. Here are pictures for those words that are encrypted horizontally:

Below is a picture for those words of the crossword "Russian folk instruments", which are encrypted vertically. For the fourth question there is no hint, since there you have to guess the name of the fairy-tale character.

Answers to the crossword "Russian folk musical instruments"

Horizontally: 1. Tambourine 2. Domra 3. Ratchet 4. Pipe 5. Gusli 6. Horn 7. Mandolin 8. Rattle 9. Balalaika 10. Bagpipe 11. Zhaleyk.

Vertically: 1. Kugikly 2. Spoons 3. Talyana 4. Sadko 5. Vargan 6. Horn 7. Bells 8. Bell 9. Bayan.

I remind you that if you search well, then on the same site you will find a whole mountain of all kinds of crossword puzzles on a musical theme - for example, another crossword puzzle on musical instruments.

See you soon! Good luck!

P.S. Did you do a good job writing off a crossword puzzle? Time to have some fun! I propose to watch the video with cool music!

Watch the video: Russian instrument triangle with guitar neck CodyCross Crossword Answer (October 2024).

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