The most famous works for accordion

On this page we will talk about famous works for the accordion, which are usually played by musicians studying in colleges or high schools. All 8 songs differ sharply from each other in sound, complexity in terms of technique and general auditory perception. Connoisseurs of accordion music will also find a suitable piece to listen to, which will make you think or simply lift your spirits.

V. Zolotarev "Ferapontov Monastery. Reflection at the frescoes of Dionysius"

This work can be divided into 2 parts: the introduction sounds in the key of C major, it clearly bells ringing. Then the main melodious leitmotif begins in G minor, where during the game the legato stroke is used predominantly in the parts of both hands.

The sound corresponds to the name: thoughtfulness with elements of philosophy is felt here, but each musician perceives "Ferapontov Monastery" in his own way. In order to start learning, you will need a full accordion, because during the game, several registers are needed, and the left-hand part is played only on the selection keyboard.

A. Piazzolla "Libertango"

Spanish dance has won the hearts of many listeners: the romantic and perky sound does not leave anyone indifferent, and technically it is rarely difficult. If the musician himself took to learn "Libertango", it is extremely important to pay attention to the dynamics and strokes: it is they who give the composition refinement. This piece for the accordion can be performed in the ensemble, but more often it is played solo by students of music schools or those who are already performing on stage.

In order to understand the beauty of accordion music, watch the professional video "Libertango" by A. Piazzolla

E. Derbenko "Padpespan"

In this Russian dance, Spanish motifs clearly slip: when performing in a trio or quartet, castanets are used, and the work itself is written in the amount of ¾, like most of Spain’s plays. When self-learning, you will have to face many difficulties, because the accompaniment is a lot of pressure, and also the speed of movement of the fingers of the right hand is important: if they are not mobile enough, you should choose another play. "Padespan" is usually played by students at international competitions, so professional training is crucial.

D. Buxtehude "Prelude and Fugue in F Sharp Minor"

Dietrich Buxtehude is a German organist, whose writings even well-known IS was heard. Bah Of course, the notes of the Prelude and Fugues for accordion are arranged, but the color and timbre do not deteriorate at all: it is enough to turn on the organ register on the instrument, and you’ll almost recreate the original sound, but for the left-hand part you need an electoral keyboard. The technique of performance is not particularly complex, so all musicians can begin to study the composition after 4-5 years of study.

Z. Abreu "Tiko-Tiko"

It will be easiest for the beginning musicians to master this piece for the accordion, written in Brazilian style - 2-3 years is enough professional training, and "Tiko-Tiko" will sound perfect. It does not have a complicated load on the fingers: the bass part can be played on a conventional keyboard, and it usually takes no more than two days to study the main melody.

V. Semenov "Sonata №1"

The piece is performed in the tempo "Largo", but its text itself is saturated with "sixteenth" notes, so it sounds not slow at all. During the game, musicians have to apply many tricks - bounce, melisma, vibrato - they all add richness and create anxiety while listening. Despite the rather convenient tone for the performers - D-minor - technically it is extremely difficult to master a three-part composition without many years of preparation.

I. Panitsky "Here the three trot of mail is racing"

Fans of Russian folk songs can take up the study of this fun music, written by a famous performer and composer from Saratov. For a good sound, the simplest accordion is enough: there are no difficult party transitions from one hand to another, and only tremolo is used from tricks.

V. Zolotarev "Hispaniada"

Another work by the composer from the Khabarovsk Territory is also very popular with accordionists and accordionists. It sounds quite changeable: a warlike beginning in the bass, then an alarmed part of the right hand, modulation, a lot of long forshlag, playing with fur. Independent study is quite difficult, but if you wish, you can learn "Hispania", if there is a good musical background.

Watch the video: Most Famous Russian Songs For Accordion (March 2025).

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