Music games

Interactive game
"Children's Orchestra"

Game workshop
"Magical flute"

Child Game
"Treble clef"

Music with mom
play at home

Master Class
"Noise Orchestra"


The music of wind


Musical instruments for the smallest


Homemade workshops on the manufacture of percussion instruments

Child Game

The correct approach to the education of the child helps him to develop creatively, forms him as a harmonious personality. Games are developed by experienced teachers and are designed to develop a particular ability of the baby. Together with the teacher, students create primitive tools, mainly noise: maracas, ratchets, xylophones, and various props, invent or supplement the rules, which they themselves will then fulfill. The joint creation of all sorts of attributes that will be needed for future entertainment only inflames the curiosity of the participants. Educational activities, acquainting them with the world of music, can be moving or calm. Musical and didactic games perfectly develop hearing, memory, attention, and master classes teach children to think independently, teach them to do needlework and discipline, and help to concentrate.

In the classroom and at home

The education system involves the development of the child's ability to work in a team. In this section you will find a variety of contests and master classes created for the collective introduction of children to the world of sounds. The structure of music games is usually divided into two parts: active and passive. The first is a mobile contests in which children actively move around the classroom, perform tasks of a teacher or presenter. This section of the program adjusts to the kids that learning music can be fun and interesting. But the second part is more relaxed: the children listen more or create small compositions themselves, do the simplest wind instruments or percussion instruments with their own hands, and then they will play them.

Parents should not forget that classes in the classroom are only part of the educational process, because most of what they hear and see in a school or kindergarten can erase from children's memory when they arrive home. It is very important to engage with the child and at home. Some needlework lessons presented in the section were created specifically for homework. Materials required for a small workshop can be found in any modern apartment. By the way, such classes are great for holding home parties or birthdays.

Playing music games and creating handmade tools, children learn the world of classical and folk music. In our age of pop culture, when TV channels are overflowing with cheap texts and primitive melodies, it is very important to acquaint children at an early age with classical works or folk art, because it will shape the child’s taste and allow him to later filter out the cheap and meaningless component of the modern music world.

Watch the video: Evolution of Game Music - 1972-2018. ALL 41 GAMES Plus 3 New Games (March 2025).

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