What are the music professions?

It would seem that classical music is a narrow field of activity of a select circle of people. In fact, there are quite a lot of professional musicians in society. This is not surprising, because hundreds of millions of people on the planet listen to music, and music must come from somewhere.

Today we will talk about where the musicians work, and we will name the most common music professions. If earlier, only about 200 years ago, a professional musician had to be universal, that is, to be able to play several musical instruments at once, compose music and improvise, promote his own compositions for performance on stage, now all these functions are divided between different specialists - musicians.

Music makers - composers and arrangers

First consider a group of music professions that is associated with the creation of music. it composers and arrangers. Composers write music for songs, performances, films, as well as for performance in concert halls.

Despite the fact that many popular musical compositions are created with the help of computer programs, composer music does not lose its relevance, if only because composers provide a constant movement forward. They are "inventors", and until some cool piece is invented by a learned composer, it will never appear in electronic programs for creating music.

Arrangers help to spread composer music - these are people who prepare music for performance by any group of musicians. For example, there is a cool song for a vocalist with a modest piano accompaniment, the arranger can remake it so that it can be performed, for example, with such a composition: 3 vocalists, guitars, flute, violin, drums and keys. And this should somehow embellish the song, and at the same time not lose its original originality - this is professionalism and an element of co-creation of the arranger when working with the original version of the composition.

By the way, both composers and arrangers in their work actively use various programs for recording notes. Before the advent of multiplying technology and special music editors, another old profession was common - copyist of notesmodern analogy - music typewriter on a computer.

Music performers - singers, instrumentalists and conductors

Now let's see what music professions exist in connection with the performance of music. Music is vocal (the one that sings) and instrumental (which is played). It is clear that among the musicians there is soloists (performing alone - for example, pianists, violinists, singers, etc.) and those who take part in various forms of ensemble playing or singing (any musicians)

Types of ensembles are different: for example, several musicians can unite into a chamber ensemble (duets, trios, quartets, quintets, etc.), but also pop groups. Members of such associations - artists of chamber ensembles. There are larger associations - various orchestras and choirs, and hence such musical professions as choir artist or orchestra.

Orchestras and choirs are either independent musical groups, or large groups of musicians serving performances in theaters, church services or, for example, a military parade. Naturally, in order to play the orchestra and the choir singing were harmonious, the teams need leaders - conductors

The conductor is another important music profession. Conductors are different. Proper conductors - these are the leaders of orchestras (symphonic, pop, military, etc.), choirmaster work in secular choirs, and regents administer church choirs.

The assistants to the conductors in the orchestra are accompanists - musicians responsible for the quality of the game of any orchestral group (for example, the violin master of accompaniments or the brass instrument accompanist of brass instruments). The first violinist is the concertmaster of the whole orchestra - he goes around all the musicians before the start of the game and, if necessary, rules the construction of instruments, and also replaces the conductor if necessary.

The word accompanist has a different meaning. Accompanist - is a musician (most often a pianist) who accompanies singers and instrumentalists (as well as their ensembles) during performances and rehearsals, helps soloists to learn their parts.

Musicians, teachers

In schools, colleges and conservatories work music teacherswho are committed to educating future professionals. About what is taught in the music school, you can read a separate article - "What children learn in the music school." In ordinary schools and kindergartens work those who bring up music - music teachers and music leaders.

Music organizers and PR

These are people who are engaged in the promotion of musical projects - art managers, producers, impresario - they are not always musicians by their education, but they are well versed in talents. This group is adjacent to entertainer - Leading concerts and theme nights.

Musicians in the media, radio and television

Many musicians work in this area. it leading TV and radio programs, journalists, reporters. This is due to the fact that television and radio broadcast a lot of music and entertainment programs. In the creation of products for the mass audience (films, programs, music albums, etc.) sound engineers.

Other music professions

There are many other professions related to music. Some scientific bias acquired professions music critic and musicologist. Applied in nature are such musical professions as tuner of pianos and pianos, master of making and repairing musical instruments, creators of computer-based musical programs etc.

This is not a complete list of those professions that are somehow connected with music. Special musical education is received in colleges and conservatories, as well as in musical faculties of pedagogical universities and institutes of culture. However, not all people working in the music field are equally important to obtain a diploma from the conservatory, the main professional quality is and still is the love of music.

Watch the video: "Alphabet Occupations" - ABC Jobs Song for Kids. Learn the alphabet phonics with Jobs & Occupations (March 2025).

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