Great composers of classical music

Any of the composers who will be discussed in this article can easily be called the greatest composer of classical music that ever existed.

Although it is impossible to compare music created over several centuries, all these composers stand out very clearly against the background of their contemporaries. In their works, they sought to expand the boundaries of classical music, to achieve new heights in it that were not previously reachable.

All the great composers of classical music listed below are worthy of the first place, so the list is presented not by the importance of the composer, but in the form of information for familiarization.

For world classics, Beethoven is a very significant figure. One of the most performed composers in the world. He composed his works in absolutely all existing genres of his time. It is a forerunner of the period of romanticism in music. Instrumental works are recognized as the most significant of the entire heritage left by Ludwig van Beethoven.

The greatest composer and organist in world music history. Bach is a representative of the Baroque era. Over the course of his life, he wrote over a thousand works, however, only about a dozen were published during his lifetime. He worked in all genres of his time with the exception of opera. He is the founder of the Bach dynasty, the most famous in music.

The composer and conductor, a virtuoso violinist and organist from Austria, had an incredible musical memory and amazing hearing. Mozart began to create from an early age and excelled in all genres of music, for which he is rightly recognized as one of the great composers of classical music in history.

The most mysterious and mysterious work of Mozart - "Requiem", was never completed by the author. The reason for this was the sudden death of thirty-five years. Completed work on the "Requiem" his pupil Franz Zusmayer.

The great German composer, playwright, conductor and philosopher. He had a great influence on modernism and in general the whole of European culture at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

By order of Ludwig II of Bavaria, an opera house was built in Bayreuth according to Wagner's ideas. It was intended solely for the works of the composer. Wagner's musical dramas go on to this day.

Russian composer, conductor and music critic Tchaikovsky is one of the best melodists in the world. His work has made a huge contribution to the development of world classics. Among the fans of classical music is a very popular composer. In his works, Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky successfully combined the style of Western symphonies with Russian traditions.

The great composer from Austria, and the conductor, and the violinist, and the "waltz king" recognized by all nations of the world. His work was devoted to light dance music and operetta. In his legacy there are over five hundred waltzes, quadrille, shelf, and there are several operettas and ballets. In the nineteenth century, thanks to Strauss, the waltz gained immense popularity in Vienna.

Italian composer, virtuoso guitarist and violinist. Very bright and unusual personality in musical history, is a recognized genius in the world art of music. All the work of this great man was shrouded in some mystery, thanks to Paganini himself. He discovered in his works new, previously unknown types of violin technique. It is also one of the founders of romanticism in music.

All these great composers of classical music had a very great influence on its development and advancement. Their music, proven by time and whole generations, is still in demand today, maybe even to a much greater extent than during their lifetime. They created immortal works that continue to live, and move on to next generations, carrying in themselves emotions and feelings that make you think about the eternal.

The author - Stanislav Kolesnik

So, Ludwig van Beethoven is recognized as one of the greatest composers of the third century. His works leave a deep imprint in the souls and in the minds of the most sophisticated listeners. At one time, the première of the 9th D minor symphony of the composer, in the finale of which the well-known choir “Ode to Joy” to Schiller’s text, became a real success. In one of the modern films presented a good installation of the entire symphony. Be sure to take a look!

L. van Beethoven Symphony No. 9 in D minor (video montage)

Watch the video: Top 10 Classical Music Composers (March 2025).

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