"Little Night Serenade": history, video, processing, content, listening

V.A. Mozart "Little Night Serenade"

The music, which by fame surpassed many serious and deep classical compositions, is a miniature chamber masterpiece. It seems that it can elusively sound and dissolve in the air. Fleeting and light as a breath, it is filled with cheerful sense, delight and ecstasy.

History of creation

In May 1787, the beloved father of Wolfgang Leopold Mozart died. Until his death, he remained an authority and example for his son, their correspondence is full of tenderness, respect and reverence. About the death of his parent, Wolfgang was very sad, he was deeply depressed throughout the summer. This is one of the reasons why so few essays were written during that period of the composer's rise. One of the Nex was the masterpiece "Little Night Serenade".

Even the exact day when this miniature was created - August 10, 1787, is known. But by whose order it was written, and whether there was a customer at all - the big question. There are no documents or certificates, but there is a version. One of the researchers of Mozart’s creativity, David Weiss, in his semi-biographical, semi-artistic book “The Sublime and the Beautiful” tells about it so ...

In the summer of 1787, the Mozart couple celebrated the 5th anniversary of the marriage and waited for the child. For Wolfgang, it was a period of creative heyday, his composer's skill reached its apogee. Behind was "The Wedding of Figaro", and ahead - "Don Juan", 3 triumphal symphonies, "The Magic Flute" and "Requiem".

Wanting to please his wife, he wrote in her honor "Little Night Serenade." Constanta is a bit offended - her famous husband devotes so many works to other people, even to her own sister, Aloisia Weber, with whom Wolfgang was once in love. And now she receives a touching offering from him - the most beautiful music she has ever heard.

Less romantic-minded historians still admit that the serenade was ordered by someone. In 1799, the widow of Mozart Constance sold it along with a host of other works to the publishing house, which published the notes much later. In what period of time and by whose intention the 5th part disappeared, it is impossible even to assume. It seems that "Little Night Serenade" is another mystery that the maestro left to his fans.

"Little Night Serenade"

Serenade genre has several interpretations and a rich history. "Sera" (at the beginning of the word) is translated from Italian as "evening", "serena" is an evening song of troubadours, singers of love. This is a romance that a lover plays under a lover’s balcony, accompanying himself on a guitar or lute. Romantic mystery to the singing is given by the darkness of the night, which hides the admirer, and the moon - the eternal companion of heart affairs.

Later, in the Baroque era, the genre was transformed into a more massive one. Serenades were written for solemn festivities in the open air and were also performed at night. In Vienna, in the gardens and parks of aristocratic houses, balls, assemblies, and evenings were held at which similar music sounded. For composers it served as a source of income. Mozart’s authorship is the set of serenades, the most famous of them is No. 13, G major.

"Eine kleine Nachtmusik" (as the work is originally called) by Mozart is similar in character and structure to the divertissement or suite. She is full of jubilant joy. As if after a hot, sultry day a cool, refreshing evening came - “serno” also means “warm weather”.

A lively fast pace conveys an emotional outburst. The melody of the main theme is built on sweeping ups and resembles a lively conversational dialogue, and the rhythm of the accompaniment imitates the happily excited pulsation of the heart of a person who suddenly received great news.

It is impossible to remain calm while sounding so sincere, full of sparkling laughter of music. In those days, nightly folk festivals were not rare, and especially for such cases, composers wrote music for strengthened orchestras so that it echoed everywhere. In Mozart, his serenade in G major is chamber-like, performed by a string orchestra or quintet (2 violins, viola, cello and double bass).

Despite the small volume (duration not more than 16 minutes), it has impeccable form and completeness. It is this symmetry and conciseness that give it such ease and grace that the listener perceives it in one breath. There are no conflicts or contradictions here, this is one confidently developing motive, like a stream, several times returning to the sources. So repeats the theme-refrain in Rondo.

The owner of a phenomenal memory, Wolfgang kept a detailed account of his works, writing down each of them in the catalog under a certain number. In the "Little Night Serenade" of 5 parts, for unknown reasons, only 4 survived:

  1. Allegro;
  2. Romance;
  3. Menuet;
  4. Rondo.

From the surviving notes of Mozart, it follows that there was another minuet between the 1st and 2nd parts. But for whatever reason he disappeared, we will never know. Musicologist Alfred Einstein suggested, however, that the Piano Sonata in B Flat Major (K.498a) is the missing minuet.

It was first published only in 1827, 36 years after the death of the author and 40 years after the composition. This is an amazing fact for the music of Mozart, which was mainly published during his lifetime.

Autograph serenade

Mozart’s original manuscript was kept for a long time by private collector Carl Votterl. After the war, he sold it for $ 50,000. With the money, he opened the publishing house, which later went bankrupt. The epilogue of the facsimile edition says: “The autograph of the Little Night Serenade” was found by me (Manfred Gorka) in 1943 after being in private hands for a long time. It is currently kept in the Bärenreiter library in Basel. ”

After gaining, he was lost again for a while. According to the latest report of the newspaper "Die Welt" dated May 6, 2006, the manuscript is kept in a closed collection in Basel. There are very well-made glossy black and white photographs of the original, which are available for wide viewing at the International Mozarteum Foundation in Salzburg.

"Little Night Serenade" today

Its popularity can be compared with nothing. Sometimes it is even colored in a negative tone, when sophisticated and refined music is utilized utilitarianly. So, the Serenade No. 13 Solo melody sounds as a ringtone for a mobile phone or as a “background” at public events in order to emphasize the solemn moment of an event, or in advertising.

But also in traditional concerts - stage or stylized as antiquity - this music is often played. Nothing can undo or detract from its musical value. There are many arrangements for piano and even choral sketches. Charming treatment for kids know even those who are far from the world of art. The serenade is still loved by professional musicians who perform it with a string ensemble or orchestra. And for music lovers, this melody is like a jewel that you never get tired of admiring.

Little night serenade for children (listen)

Mike Terrana - modern drumming (listen)

Dan Mamm - modern guitar processing (metal) - listen

"Little Night Serenade" in the cinema

In the film industry, the serenade is also loved, in many movies You can hear excerpts from different parts of the work. And this proves once again the versatility of the perfect music of Mozart. Here are just some of them:

  • Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994)
  • People X 2 (2003)
  • Batman (1989)
  • Alien (1979)
  • Kate's Dream (2015)
  • Bonfire Vanity (1990)
  • Dad on duty (2003)
  • Equal (2015)
  • Heartbreakers (2001)
  • Everyone is crazy about Mary (1998)
  • Close to the heart (1996)
  • Nine Yards (2000)

Watch the video: Real Life Trick Shots. Dude Perfect (March 2025).

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