What are the chords

So, in the center of our attention - musical chords. What are the chords? What are the main types of chords? These and other issues we have to discuss today. Accord is a harmonious consonance in the simultaneity of three or four or more sounds. I hope you get the point - there should be at least three sounds in a chord, because if, for example, two, then this is not a chord, but an interval.

Chord structure: what are chords made of, and why are they so called?

So, the structure of chords is a topic that we will develop today. And, first of all, let's turn to the definition of a chord, clarify what it represents. Accord is a consonance, a sound complex. In a chord, at the same time or one after the other, at least three sounds should be performed in turn, because the harmonies in which only two sounds are called differently are intervals.

Taylor Swift: interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen

Taylor Swift What can be achieved in the world of music, if you start a career at a very young age? The answer to this question is given by the biography of Taylor Swift, who was subjugated by the American public. At the age of 14 she signed her first contract, and at 16 she already released a successful debut CD. The owner of a pleasant timbre surprises fans with new singles, and detractors makes torment speculations about their success.

What is rock and roll, the history of rock and roll

What is rock and roll, the history of rock and roll Rock and roll literally stirred the youth of America in the mid 50s of the last century. And then the whole world. And while the boys and girls sang along with popular singers and lit up on the dance floors, their parents opposed the “innovations” in the music world. Why did this style become very popular and why did it become an apple of contention between generations?

La Campanella. Performances

Kings and beggars Songs and dances of kings and beggars performed by the ensemble of ancient music "La Campanella" The music, as in a mirror, reflects the life and work of famous rulers - Thibault Champagne, Henry VIII, Anna of Brittany and Prince of Orange, Karl XII of Sweden, Louis XIV - and their simple contemporaries.

Types of Russian folk dancing

The most ancient and rich art form is dance. Russian folk dance is closely connected with the history of the Russian people, with their traditions, beliefs and customs. Russian folk dance reveals the spiritual life of our people and their life. Through dance, people convey their feelings, thoughts and mood. Classification of Russian folk dances occurs according to their stable features and choreographic structure.

How to write music on the computer

In the modern world with rapidly developing computer technology and society, going with all the innovations in step, often the question arises, how to write music on a computer? Most often, creative personalities, both professional musicians and those who have independently mastered musical literacy, choose a computer as a tool for creating their own musical masterpieces.

The musical "Les Miserables": content, video, interesting facts, history

The musical "Les Miserables" The first French musical, which became world-famous not in the original language, but in English. Sometimes it is not enough to create a talented work, it is also necessary to properly present it to the public. "Les Miserables" got a chance to become the most long-playing musical in history thanks to British producer Cameron McIntosh.

The genres of musical folklore: what is it and what are they?

The genres of musical folklore are the main types of musical works created by unknown authors and saved by the people for many generations with the help of an oral transmission from one person to another. We will talk about these views today, but first we will bring some clarity to the concepts of "folklore" and "genre" so that no one is confused.