How to remember chords on the beginnings of famous melodies

It doesn't matter what causes the urgent need to memorize chords by heart. Perhaps you need to show off skills in front of fellow musicians. Or, much worse, the solfeggio exam is “on the nose”, and you do not distinguish a triad from a quartekstektakord — a crime within the framework of the criminal code, in the opinion of your theorist.

Simple chords for piano

Today we talk about how to play chords on the piano, and how to turn guitar chords into chords for the piano. However, you can play all the same chords on a synthesizer and in general on any other instrument. You, most likely, more than once saw the lyrics with guitar tablature - mesh, which shows which strings on which fret to clamp to play a particular chord.

Elvis Presley: interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen

Elvis Presley The life journey of Elvis Presley became the embodiment of the American dream. An attractive young man from a poor family suddenly became the idol of the public, destroying the stereotypes of the music world. Singing like black, dressing like black, acting like black - how could a decent white American like himself to do such antics in the middle of the 20th century?

Ariana Grande: biography, best songs, interesting facts

Ariana Grande American composer and playwright Jason Robert Brown compared her voice with a universal instrument that allows her to overcome any obstacles and resist sophisticated criticism. By itself, the daring and young Ariana Grande was a kind of sensation in the world of pop music, capturing the hearts of millions of audiences.

Concert programs of the ensemble "Semper-musica"

Concert programs: "In the name of Clara" R. Schumann - Quartet op.47 Es-dur for piano, violin, viola and cello I. Brahms - Quartet No. 1 g-moll op.25 for piano, violin, viola and cello The program is composed from the works of composers - romantics. This genre is easy for anyone to listen to, regardless of age, musical tastes and degree of preparedness.

La Campanella. Performances

Kings and beggars Songs and dances of kings and beggars performed by the ensemble of ancient music "La Campanella" The music, as in a mirror, reflects the life and work of famous rulers - Thibault Champagne, Henry VIII, Anna of Brittany and Prince of Orange, Karl XII of Sweden, Louis XIV - and their simple contemporaries.

Opera "Masked Ball": content, video, interesting facts, history

D. Verdi opera "The Masked Ball" In the history of the opera, perhaps, there is not another masterpiece that has two sets of main characters, moreover, so far from each other: Swedish aristocrats in one case and American officials - in the other. This is the main intrigue of the creation of the seventh most popular opera by Giuseppe Verdi, The Masked Ball, which is still being performed today in both plot variations.

Crossword "Life and Works of JS Bach"

I present a new musical crossword, it is dedicated to the topic "The Life and Work of JS Bach". It has 25 questions of average difficulty. Almost all the questions you can find answers in the encyclopedia or textbook on musical literature for the music school. To make it easier to solve (answers, as always given at the end) crossword on the topic of Bach, I will inform you a few facts in the topic.

Balalaika: history, video, interesting facts, listen

Musical instrument: Balalaika If someone asks you, what Russian folk musical instrument do you know? Undoubtedly, the balalaika, the most ancient and recognizable musical symbol of Russia, is immediately recalled. The instrument can rightly be called truly national: in its sound it seems that the Russian soul itself is heard - now distant and irrepressible, now sad and pensive ... Great Russian people loved to listen to the balalaika, among them: A.

Tap Dance - a dance that conquered America

Tap Dance - the dance that conquered America "The Music of the Feet" - literally, you can describe tap dance. For this dance it is not necessary to use musical accompaniment - the rhythm is beaten off with special shoes with metal plates on the sole. This is the main advantage of the genre: a unique dance pattern is available even for blind people.